
How To Safely Self-Manage Abortion Medication At Home

self medication is an affordable self medication 

The aftermath of self-managed termination can  medication might be more touting for most women 






The effectiveness of self-managed abortion depends on factors such as the gestational age of the pregnancy and the correct dosage obtained. 


Can Abortion cause damage to the uterus?

Yes! Abortion can cause damage to the womb if the procedure is illegally performed or performed by untrained personnel in unsterilized environments. Although womb damage is not a common occurrence during an abortion, it is important to be aware of this potential risk.

Another incident where damage can be caused is during a surgical abortion procedure, where forceps or sharp pointed medical instruments are used to remove the tissue and contents of the womb, there is a slight possibility that they might  penetrate deeper than expected and cause womb damage.  

While a surgical abortion procedure itself is intended to safely terminate the pregnancy, chances of injury to the uterus are high but rarely happen. Therefore in In these circumstances, it is important to seek medical attention immediately to ensure a prompt diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

5 Scary Signs of Womb Damage After an Abortion

1- Pelvic pain

The FDA has reviewed the safety of abortion pills and found that medication abortion is highly effective and safe, with little serious risk. Despite this, there is still a chance of experiencing signs of damaged womb after an abortion, whether it be due to medication or surgical. Common symptoms of a damaged womb include pelvic pain, excessive bleeding, infection, infertility, and emotional trauma.

While a single abortion may not cause lasting damage to the uterus, multiple abortions can cause damage. In addition to uterine damage after abortion, cervix damage is also possible if an abortion procedure is not carried out properly. The extent of any womb damage after abortion depends on a variety of factors, such as how many abortions you’ve had, what type of abortion you had, and how the procedure was performed.

Additionally, some women may be at higher risk for developing complications from an abortion, such as those who are Rh-negative and may require additional Rh Immune Globulin Therapy. If you experience any concerning symptoms after an abortion, such as pelvic pain, it is important to seek medical attention from your doctor to determine if any damages have been done to your womb.

2 - Excessive bleeding

Excessive bleeding is one of the signs of a damaged womb after an abortion. Women’s bodies react differently to abortion procedures, with some bleeding heavily with clots for two days and others bleeding less. If the abortion is not legally performed by a qualified abortion doctor or Registered Nurse at a certified women’s clinic, there may be complications.

All women should contact the abortion clinic immediately if they soak more than 2 maxi pads per hour for more than 2 hours in a row as this could be a sign of damaged uterus.

It is important to understand that although an abortion is safe provided the  procedure is handled by a qualaified personnel, it can still cause damage to the womb in some cases. Possible causes of womb damage include what causes womb damage from the procedure itself, such as trauma from the vacuum aspiration or from the insertion of medical instruments, or from complications of anesthesia.

Other causes of womb damage after an abortion include infection, uterine perforation and Rh immune globulin therapy. Additionally, having multiple abortions can cause damage to the womb and cervix as well.

It is important to take all necessary precautions before, during and after the procedures in order to minimize abortion risks and reduce the chances of uterus damage. It is also important to be aware of the signs of damaged womb after an abortion, so that prompt treatment can be provided if needed.

3 - Infection

One of the most serious signs of damaged womb after an abortion is the risk of infection. In some cases, bacteria from the vagina can enter the uterus and cause an infection known as pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). Symptoms of PID include abdominal pain, fever, chills, and unusual vaginal discharge. Other signs of infection could include abdominal tenderness, nausea, vomiting, and increased heart rate. If left untreated, a PID infection can damage the fallopian tubes and other reproductive organs, leading to infertility.

Other infections that can occur as a result of an abortion include endometritis, sepsis, and peritonitis. Endometritis is an infection of the lining of the uterus which can cause pelvic pain and abnormal bleeding. Sepsis is a severe infection that occurs when bacteria spread throughout the body and can lead to organ failure. Lastly, peritonitis is an infection of the tissue surrounding the abdominal organs which can be caused by complications from an abortion.

It’s important to be aware of the symptoms of infection after an abortion to ensure that you receive the necessary medical care if needed. Be sure to contact your healthcare provider immediately if you experience any signs of infection after your procedure.

4 - Infertility

Infertility is one of the possible signs of a damaged womb after an abortion. Infertility is defined as the inability to conceive after one year of trying or to sustain a pregnancy. What causes womb damage in this case is unknown, however it can be related to previous abortions or medical procedures, such as those that are used to perform a medical abortion. In cases where multiple abortions have been performed, the chance of womb damage increases, as the womb may not have time to heal between each procedure. This can cause scarring and other problems that can lead to infertility. Other symptoms of damaged womb after abortion include a weakened cervix, uterine fibroids, and endometriosis. All of these can contribute to infertility, making it difficult for couples to conceive. While most women will not experience infertility after an abortion, it is important to keep an eye out for any signs or symptoms that may indicate a damaged womb. If you are experiencing any of these signs, it is important to consult a doctor immediately so that appropriate measures can be taken to address any potential issues.

Yes The Womb Can Be damaged, But the reason as to why that happens is not because you either had a medical or surgical abortion. When decide that having an abortion is the only option to get rid of the pregnancy, they worry about the side effects that friends or family members might have experienced in the past but truth is having an abortion has no long-term effects.

However, doctors generally agree that an

Having an abortion does not affect a woman’s chances of becoming pregnant in the future, unless its performed by an unqualified doctor or even perhaps maybe you might have purchased abortion pills online from an uncertified clinic.  

Septic shock often occurs after an abortion. It strikes when your body gets a bacterial infection. In most cases, the infection stays in a specific area. However, in severe cases, the infection enters your bloodstream and travels throughout your body.

In terms of symptoms, medication abortion has been compared to a miscarriage, which can be very painful. Cramping and bleeding (including passing large blood clots) are the two main effects a woman should expect. These symptoms usually happen after taking the second pill: misoprostol.

5 - Perforation of the uterus wall

Perforation of the uterus wall is a rare complication of abortion but can happen when a medical instrument goes through the wall of the uterus during the procedure. The reported rate of this complication is one out of every 500 abortions. Perforation of the uterus wall can lead to infection, heavy bleeding, or both, and is one of the possible signs of damaged womb after an abortion. It is important to note that while some people may worry that abortion pills or multiple abortions can damage the womb, there is no evidence to support this. However, other potential damages of abortion such as uterine or cervix damage after abortion should be considered and discussed with your healthcare provider.

6 - Anesthesia-related complications

When undergoing any type of surgery, the risk of complications associated with anesthesia increases. Abortion is no exception, and if you have had an abortion, it is important to be aware of the potential signs of damaged womb that can be caused by the use of anesthesia during the procedure. These signs include: abdominal pain, nausea, dizziness, breathing problems, and changes in blood pressure or heart rate. In some cases, there may also be nerve damage, especially in the areas surrounding the uterus, cervix, and vagina.

It is important to note that while anesthesia may increase the risk of complications associated with abortion, it is not the only factor that can cause womb damage. Other potential causes include trauma during the procedure, infection, or use of an abortion pill. As such, it is important to consult a doctor if you experience any of the symptoms mentioned above after an abortion to ensure that your uterus has not been damaged. It is also important to remember that having multiple abortions can increase the risk of womb damage, so it is best to avoid repeat abortions whenever possible.

7 - Rh Immune Globulin Therapy

Rh Factor is a genetic material found on the surface of red blood cells. When a woman has a fetus with a different Rh factor, her body may develop antibodies that attack the fetus. To prevent this from happening, women with a different Rh Factor must receive Rh Immune Globulin Therapy. This therapy reduces the signs of damaged womb after abortion, including damaged uterus, cervix damage, and uterine damage.

It is not clear what causes womb damage after abortion or how many abortions can damage the womb, but it is believed that medical abortion can cause some level of damage to the womb. In addition, multiple abortions can also lead to increased risk of womb damage. The damages of abortion may be permanent, so it’s important for women to be aware of the risks before deciding whether to proceed with an abortion.

Can Such Serious Complications Be Avoided?

While serious complications, such as womb perforation are statistically rare, there is always uncertainty with how one’s body will react to or after an abortion procedure

Women need to take proactive measures to mitigate risks before undergoing abortions. One such measure is to confirm the pregnancy and to get an ultrasound scan done to ensure that the pregnancy is viable and to identify any potential complications that may be present.

By taking these steps, women can feel more confident in their decision and have peace of mind knowing that they have taken all the necessary precautions to safeguard their health. Remember, it’s always better to be safe and proactive than to take unnecessary risks.

When should one seek medical attention?

While it might seem normal for women to experience heavy bleeding, soaking more than 3 pads with blood clots up to the size of a lemon during the termination process is not considered normal.

Extreme unbearable pains that are not reviled by normal over the counter medication should be reported to a doctor right away.

Symptoms such as dizziness, sweating, and nausea are expected during or following an abortion, but if a person starts feeling very faint or develops a high temperature, they should not hesitate to consult with a health professional for advice and seek medical attention where necessary. 


If you’re looking for more information on abortions or alternative solutions, Life Choices is here for you. 

Women can have their pregnancy confirmed or get an ultrasound all free of charge at our center. You deserve answers to your questions.

Call / WhatsApp +27 73 663 4703 to schedule your appointment with our facility.

Your journey and your health matter to us.

We don’t perform or refer for abortions, which means we aren’t monetarily motivated by your decision. Instead, we’re safe, confidential, and nonjudgmental. Remember, you are not alone – we’re here to help. 

Moreover, it’s crucial to note that undergoing an abortion by a licensed healthcare provider with the appropriate procedure and recommended stage of pregnancy can significantly reduce the risk of womb damage. However, it’s still possible to experience signs of womb damage after the procedure.


Only abortions that are associated with complications could potentially impact future fertility. Medical complications that might lead to difficulties getting pregnant in the future include uterine injury from the procedure, infection and serious bleeding that requires surgery

Should you be in need of  a Safe Abortion Procedure or need help with any pregnancy related issue please contact Carlton womens abortion Clinic in Johannesburg.

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Frequently Asked Questions

You can be prescribed antibiotics for a couple of weeks to get rid of the infection itself. You might need to have an injection of antibiotics as well as some tablets.
If you think you have an infection, it’s important you seek urgent medical attention as soon as possible by contacting your GP or visiting your local A&E department. If an infection is not treated it can lead to further serious problems.

No, there is no link between safe abortion and the ability to get pregnant in the future.

In the majority of cases, having an abortion won’t affect your ability to get pregnant again in the future. Nor will it affect your ability to have a healthy pregnancy. In rare instances, a surgical abortion can cause scarring of the uterine wall. This may make it more difficult to get pregnant again.

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